Spring Data Solr Tutorial

Most of the applications must have a some kind of a search function. The problem is that search functions are often huge resource hogs and they can kill the performance of your application by causing heavy load to the database.

That is why transferring that load to an external search server is a great idea. Apache Solr is a popular open source search server which is used via REST-like HTTP API. This ensures that you can use Solr from virtually any programming language.

Although the ability to support any programming language is a great marketing benefit, the question that probably interests you is: How I can use Solr in my Spring powered applications?

Introducing Spring Data Solr Tutorial

This ten-part tutorial will help you get started with Spring Data Solr. This tutorial is based on Spring Data Solr 1.0.0.RC1 but I plan to update it when newer versions are released.

Let's move on and find out what you can learn from this tutorial. This tutorial contains the following blog posts:

Congratulations. You are now ready to start using Spring Data Solr in your own applications. I hope that I was able to convince you that implementing search functions with Spring Data Solr is easy and fun.

Additional Reading:

  • My Spring Data book helps you to create JPA repositories without any boilerplate code and tweak the performance of your applications with Spring Data Redis.
  • Spring Data JPA Tutorial helps you get started with Spring Data JPA.
  • Using jOOQ with Spring helps you to get back in control of your SQL. If you are tired of solving ORM related performance problems, you should do yourself a favor and read this tutorial.