
Spring Data Solr Tutorial: CRUD (Almost)

In the previous part of my Spring Data Solr tutorial, we learned how we can configure Spring Data Solr. Now it is time to take a step forward and learn how we can manage the information stored in our Solr instance. This blog entry describes how we add new documents to the Solr index, update […] Read more

Spring Data Solr Tutorial: Configuration

In the previous part of my Spring Data Solr tutorial, we learned that Solr provides a REST-like HTTP API which can be used to add information to Solr index and execute queries against indexed data. The problem is that running a separate Solr instance in a development environment is a bit cumbersome. However, not all […] Read more

Spring Data Solr Tutorial: Introduction to Solr

Most of the applications must have a some kind of a search function. The problem is that search functions are often huge resource hogs and they can kill the performance of our application by causing heavy load to the database. That is why transferring that load to an external search server is a great idea. […] Read more