The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This blog post is always published on the last day of the month.
Let's begin!
Relevant Spring Boot Testing Resources (2024) is an excellent blog post which contains a huge list of resources which help us to write tests for Spring Boot applications. That being said, the author has included my Test With Spring course in this article. I am flattered, but I must also point out that you cannot enroll to this course (this will change in the future) AND it's only useful if you have to write tests for legacy Spring (or Spring Boot) applications with JUnit 4. In other words, it's probably not relevant to most of you.
JUnit 5 – When to use @ValueSource
, Internal @MethodSource
, External @MethodSource
, and @ArgumentsSource
is an interesting article series which explains what's the best way to provide test data to our parameterized tests.
Writing Integration Tests for Spring Boot Web Applications: Build Setup is my blog post that describes how we can create a Maven build which allows us to decide what happens when we run our tests.
Injecting @Mock and @Captor in JUnit 5 Method Parameters explains how we can inject mocks and argument captors to our test methods when we are writing our tests with JUnit 5.
P.S. If you want to learn new testing skills, you should take a look at my premium testing courses which I publish on