The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This blog post is always published on the last day of the month.
Let's begin!
JUnit 5 – When to use CSV Providers is a good blog post that explains how we can use the @CsvSource
and @CsvFileSource
annotations when we are writing parameterized tests with JUnit 5 and describes when we should use these annotations.
Test Parameterization With JUnit 5.7: A Deep Dive Into @EnumSource is an interesting blog post that provides a very comprehensive introduction to the @EnumSource
annotation and explains how it can be better than the other value providers supported by JUnit 5.
Spring Boot Testing: MockMvc vs. WebTestClient vs. TestRestTemplate is a solid blog post that describes the differences of these three testing tools.
Spring Boot Testing Best Practices is an excellent blog post which shares five best practices that help us to write better tests for our Spring Boot applications.
Testing Spring Boot Repository Using MongoDB Testcontainers explains how we can write integration tests for a repository which reads data from a MongoDB database by using Testcontainers.
Testing DynamoDB Interactions using LocalStack and Testcontainers is a comprehensive blog post that explains how we can write integration tests for a Spring Boot application which uses DynamoDB database.