The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This blog post is always published on the last day of the month.
Let's begin!
The best way to test the data access layer is a solid blog post which explains why we should write integration tests if we have to test a data access layer which uses a relational database.
5 Java JUnit 5 Features I Wish I Knew Earlier is a good blog post that identifies five "less known features" of JUnit 5.
Java AssertJ Features I Wish I Knew Earlier is another nice blog post which identifies "four less known" features of AssertJ.
How does it feel to test a compiler? is an interesting blog that sheds some light on the work of a QA engineer who works on the Kotlin/Native team.
Introducing Test Suites provides an introduction to declarative test suites which were introduced in Gradle 7.3. This feature allows us put the source code of our unit and integration tests to different directories without using third party plugins (such as the Gradle TestSets plugin).
How to add Type Checking and Linting to your Playwright Project is a useful blog post that describes how we can make sure that Playwright checks the types before it runs our tests and get rid of common Playwright mistakes by using typescript-eslint.