The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This blog post is always published on the last day of the month.
Let's begin!
Tests and Sensibility is a good blog post that identifies four reasons why developers don't write tests and explains why these reasons are just poor excuses.
Assertions in Page Object?! is an interesting blog post that takes a closer look at the best practice which states that page objects should never make verifications or assertions.
The real reason you have 29 dev and test environments explains why we might end up with too many test environments and describes how we can get rid of unnecessary test environments.
What do you fix when you fix a test? is a solid blog post that describes how we might transform a test into a legacy test by fixing a failing assertion and provides three tips that help us to avoid writing legacy tests.
How to Write Unit Tests Which Won't Tie Our Hands describes why traditional unit tests can be painful to maintain, introduces a new technique that helps us to write unit tests which embrace change, and explains when we should use this new technique.
Builder Pattern in Test Automation is a thought-provoking blog post which identifies five situations when we can use the builder pattern in our test code.