This blog post describes how we can compile and package a simple Java project by using Gradle.
Our Java project has only one requirement:
Our build script must create an executable jar file. In other words, we must be able to run our program by using the command:
java -jar jarfile.jar
Let's find out how we can fulfil this requirement.
If you are not familiar with Gradle, you should read the following blog post before you continue reading this blog post:
- Getting Started With Gradle: Introduction helps you to install Gradle, describes the basic concepts of a Gradle build, and describes how you can add functionality to your build by using Gradle plugins.
Creating a Java Project
We can create a Java project by applying the Java plugin. We can do this by adding the following line to our build.gradle file:
apply plugin: 'java'
That is it. We have now created a Java project.
The Java plugin adds new conventions (e.g. the default project layout), new tasks, and new properties to our build.
Let’s move on and take a quick look at the default project layout.
The Project Layout of a Java Project
The default project layout of a Java project is following:
- The src/main/java directory contains the source code of our project.
- The src/main/resources directory contains the resources (such as properties files) of our project.
- The src/test/java directory contains the test classes.
- The src/test/resources directory contains the test resources.
All output files of our build are created under the build directory. This directory contains the following subdirectories which are relevant to this blog post (there are other subdirectories too, but we will talk about them in the future):
- The classes directory contains the compiled .class files.
- The libs directory contains the jar or war files created by the build.
Let's move on and add a simple main class to our project.
Adding a Main Class to Our Build
Let's create a simple main class which prints the words: "Hello World" to System.out. The source code of the HelloWorld class looks as follows:
package net.petrikainulainen.gradle; public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }
That is nice. However, we still have to compile and package our project. Let's move on and take a look at the tasks of a Java project.
The Tasks of a Java Project
The Java plugin adds many tasks to our build but the tasks which are relevant for this blog post are:
- The assemble task compiles the source code of our application and packages it to a jar file. This task doesn’t run the unit tests.
- The build task performs a full build of the project.
- The clean task deletes the build directory.
- The compileJava task compiles the source code of our application.
We can also get the full list of runnable tasks and their description by running the following command at the command prompt:
gradle tasks
This is a good way to get a brief overview of our project without reading the build script. If we run this command in the root directory of our example project, we see the following output:
> gradle tasks :tasks ------------------------------------------------------------ All tasks runnable from root project ------------------------------------------------------------ Build tasks ----------- assemble - Assembles the outputs of this project. build - Assembles and tests this project. buildDependents - Assembles and tests this project and all projects that depend on it. buildNeeded - Assembles and tests this project and all projects it depends on. classes - Assembles classes 'main'. clean - Deletes the build directory. jar - Assembles a jar archive containing the main classes. testClasses - Assembles classes 'test'. Build Setup tasks ----------------- init - Initializes a new Gradle build. [incubating] wrapper - Generates Gradle wrapper files. [incubating] Documentation tasks ------------------- javadoc - Generates Javadoc API documentation for the main source code. Help tasks ---------- dependencies - Displays all dependencies declared in root project 'first-java-project'. dependencyInsight - Displays the insight into a specific dependency in root project 'first-java-project'. help - Displays a help message projects - Displays the sub-projects of root project 'first-java-project'. properties - Displays the properties of root project 'first-java-project'. tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'first-java-project'. Verification tasks ------------------ check - Runs all checks. test - Runs the unit tests. Rules ----- Pattern: build<ConfigurationName>: Assembles the artifacts of a configuration. Pattern: upload<ConfigurationName>: Assembles and uploads the artifacts belonging to a configuration. Pattern: clean<TaskName>: Cleans the output files of a task. To see all tasks and more detail, run with --all. BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 2.792 secs
Let’s move on and find out how we can package our Java project.
Packaging Our Java Project
We can package our application by using two different tasks:
If the run the command gradle assemble at command prompt, we see the following output:
> gradle assemble :compileJava :processResources :classes :jar :assemble BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 3.163 secs
If we run the command gradle build at command prompt, we see the following output:
> gradle build :compileJava :processResources :classes :jar :assemble :compileTestJava :processTestResources :testClasses :test :check :build BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 3.01 secs
The outputs of these commands demonstrate that the difference of these tasks is that:
- The assemble task runs only the tasks which are required to package our application.
- The build task runs the tasks which are required to package our application AND runs automated tests.
Both of these commands create the first-java-project.jar file to the build/libs directory.
We can now try to run our application by using the following command:
java -jar first-java-project.jar
When we do this, we see the following output:
> java -jar first-java.project.jar No main manifest attribute, in first-java-project.jar
The problem is that we haven't configured the main class of the jar file in the manifest file. Let's find out how we can fix this problem.
Configuring the Main Class of a Jar File
The Java plugin adds a jar task to our project, and every jar object has a manifest property which is an instance of Manifest.
We can configure the main class of the created jar file by using the attributes() method of the Manifest interface. In other words, we can specify the attributes added to the manifest file by using a map which contains key-value pairs.
We can set the entry point of our application by setting the value of the Main-Class attribute. After we have made the required changes to the build.gradle file, its source code looks as follows (the relevant part is highlighted):
apply plugin: 'java' jar { manifest { attributes 'Main-Class': 'net.petrikainulainen.gradle.HelloWorld' } }
After we have created a new jar file by running either the gradle assemble or gradle build command, we can run the jar file by using the following command:
java -jar first-java-project.jar
When we run our application, the following text is printed to the System.out:
> java -jar first-java-project.jar Hello World!
That is all for today. Let’s find out what we learned from this blog post.
We have now created a simple Java project by using Gradle. This blog post has taught us four things:
- We know that we can create a Java project by applying the Gradle Java plugin.
- We learned that the default directory layout of a Java project is the same than the default directory layout of a Maven project.
- We learned that all output files produced by our build can be found from the build directory.
- We learned how we can customize the attributes added to the manifest file.
P.S. The example project of this blog post is available at Github.
Hi Petri,
Nice work. Will you be writing consecutive articles on gradle? Like you do for spring data.
Hi Akalanka,
Thank your for your kind words. I really appreciate them.
And yes, I am going to write a Gradle tutorial which covers the essential parts of Gradle. This tutorial follows the same format as my other tutorials, and the idea is that after this tutorial is over, you should be able to use Gradle in real life software projects.
Nice Tute Petri . It really helps.
Thanks! I am happy to hear that blog post was useful to you.
Hi I have the same use case. I followed the each n every step you said. It didnt work for me. I used the class name & package name, as you did. But didnt work? Any ideas?
Do you mean that you cannot run the jar file by using a command
java -jar jarfile.jar
? If so, what kind of an error message did you get?I am in a similar situation. I am using gradle 2.4. It builds successfully.
when I try to run the java -jar GradleTutorial.jar
Error: unable to access jarfile GradleTutorial
If i navigate to the libs foldder and run java - jar GradleTutorial.jar it works. Is this how it is suppose to work? Or am I missing some configurations to make this work from the project directory?
Your build seems to working as expected because the command gradle build (or gradle assemble) is supposed to create the jar file to the build/libs directory.
If you want to run your application from the root directory of your project, you should take a look at the Gradle application plugin. I have actually written a blog post that describes how you can use it.
Did this answer to your question?
Yes it did. Thanks... Great tutorial!!
You are welcome!
Nice basic tutorial on gradle..
Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate them.
Hey Petri,
Great introduction to Gradle! I referenced it in my recent blog post: Let me know what you think!
Hi Douglas,
I enjoyed reading your blog post, and it gave me a few ideas for new blog posts. Thank you for sharing it! I am sure that it is useful to other people as well.
Nice tutorial, thanks
You are welcome!
Thank you ! The gradle really lacks such a simple and straightforward tutorial !
You are welcome! I am happy to hear that this tutorial was useful to you.
gradle is build succesfully bt as soon as i run gradle build show error"Task not found in root directory" me on this
Unfortunately it is impossible to say anything without seeing your
file. Could you add it to Pastebin and share the link with me? Also, it would be helpful to know which Gradle version you are
D:\Projects\src\build\libs>java -jar src.jar
Error: Could not find or load main class
I get error above with same setup?
Update: I removed unnecessary information - Petri
The problem is that package of your
class isjava
, but the value of theMain-Class
. You need to change it tojava.HelloWorld
.Thank you Petri and it has worked
You are welcome!
Recently i developed project for mongoservice requirement,created project using gradle. From local environment working fine but in staging they are taking war file from junkins(junkins configured with gradle) there it is not working. problem is it is not creating .class files and not creating output directory to read files. Then i copied my local war file in staging working fine now. What i am missing with junkins to create war file with all class files and same as local war file . please help me
I would love to help you, but unfortunately it is impossible to say what is wrong without seeing the build.gradle file and your Jenkins configuration.
Hi Petri,
It's simple, and easily understandable.
Thanks for the post.
Hi Siva,
You are welcome. I am happy to hear that this blog post was useful to you.
Thank you so much
Been trying to figure out the java build works. Got it and hopefully much more.
Thanks again. :)
You are welcome! I am happy to hear that this blog post was useful to you.
Thanks Petrii. Working through the tutorials one by one.
You are welcome!
You could mention gradle init --type java-library command. Very helpful for generating project structure.
Thank you! Your content is really helpful.
You are welcome!
Hi man,
I am moving from PHP to Java and I found this blog post perfect! Well explaining all the fundamentals and relations.
Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate them!
It was very helpful for them who are begging to learn gradle. Nice Article. :)
Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate them. Also, it was nice to hear that this blog post was useful to you.
Very simple and easy to understand. Thanks a lot
You are welcome!
Great series. Thanks
You are welcome. I am happy to hear that this blog post was useful to you.
Very useful article, thank you, Petri!
You are welcome!
Thank you so much. Incredibly helpful.
The Gradle Wrapper is the preferred way of starting a Gradle build. It consists of a batch script for Windows and a shell script for OS X and Linux. These scripts allow you to run a Gradle build without requiring that Gradle be installed on your system. This used to be something added to your build file, but it’s been folded into Gradle, so there is no longer any need. Instead, you simply use the following command.
I took a quick look at the Gradle User Manual and it states that:
In other words, the Gradle Wrapper doesn't help you to create a new Gradle project. Instead, it helps you to execute an existing Gradle project without the need to manually install the required Gradle version.
Best gradle explanation on internet!
Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate them.
how to write gradle program to calculate area of circle and square
This sounds a bit like home work. In any case, you can calculate the area of different shapes by using these mathematical formulas. Unfortunately I cannot help you how to write the actual program because 1) you didn't tell me which programming language you have to use AND 2) if I would help you to do your home work, you wouldn't learn anything.