Java Testing Weekly 3 / 2017

There are many software development blogs out there, but many of them don't publish testing articles on a regular basis.

Also, I have noticed that some software developers don't read blogs written by software testers.

That is a shame because I think that we can learn a lot from them.

That is why I decided to create a newsletter that shares the best testing articles which I found during the last week.

Let's get started.

Technical Stuff

  • How to TDD FizzBuzz with JUnit Theories explains how you can implement FizzBuzz by using TDD without "replicating its functionality" in your test class. As you probably guessed, you can solve this problem by using JUnit theories.
  • TDD Lesson - Terrain Generation describes how you can implement the diamond-square algorithm, which is used to generate terrain in games like Minecraft, by using TDD. The interesting thing about this blog post is that it doesn't explain the implementation of this algorithm. It simply explains the required test cases and leaves the implementation of the actual algorithm to the reader.
  • Types and Tests is an interesting blog post that explains why types and type systems are not tests and describes why type checking is not testing. I recommend that you take a look at this blog post since the author makes several good points.

The Really Valuable Stuff

  • 33 Test Automation Leaders to Follow on Twitter identifies 33 people you should follow if you are interested in automated testing and you use Twitter.
  • Choose wisely describes why you should write your automated tests on the right level. Naturally, you have to be ready make several trade-offs, and this blog post gives you some ideas that (hopefully) help you to make trade-offs that work for you.
  • How to Start Learning Automation identifies three problems that stop you from getting started and explains how you can solve these problems. If you have been thinking that you should learn how to write automated tests, but you haven't done anything yet, I recommend that you read this blog post.
  • Test Cases Are Evil! Or are they? identifies eight reasons why test cases can be useful to you. I am not a huge fan of writing test specifications, but I agree that sometimes test cases are extremely useful to me (especially if I don't have a skilled tester in my team).

It's Time to Update Your Dependencies

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