There are many software development blogs out there, but many of them don't publish testing articles on a regular basis.
Also, I have noticed that some software developers don't read blogs written by software testers.
That is a shame because I think that we can learn a lot from them.
That is why I decided to create a newsletter that shares the best testing articles which I found during the last week.
Let's get started.
Technical Stuff
- (De)serializing POJOs in REST Assured describes how easy it is to transform a POJO into a JSON document with Rest Assured. Note you can also transform POJOs into XML or HTML documents as well.
- Mockito 2.1.0 announces the release of Mockito 2 and describes its new features.
The Really Valuable Stuff
- Finding the Balance Between Unit & Functional Tests demonstrates the difference of unit and functional tests by using three case studies. The goal of this blog post is to help you to write your automated tests on the right level.
- Manage your biases as a tester – Part 1/4 is an interesting post that helps you to avoid the effects of cognitive biases caused by "too much information".
- Providing value beyond bugs is a blog post that helps you to understand how a tester can provide useful feedback to a software development team. I like this post because it doesn't talk about reporting bugs. Instead, it helps you to understand how a tester can help his/her team to learn faster and see possibilities that they might ignore otherwise.
- Programmers Don't Know Anything About Testing is an interesting rant that explains why programmers should care about testing and identifies four mistakes that developers make when they start to do some testing (not just writing tests).
It's Time for Feedback
Because I want to make this newsletter worth your time, I am asking you to help me make it better.
- If you have any feedback about this newsletter, share your thoughts on the comment section.
- If you have written a blog post about automated testing or software testing, ping me on Twitter.
- You can share this blog post on Twitter.
P.S. If you want to make sure that you don't ever miss Java Testing Weekly, you should subscribe my newsletter.