There are many software development blogs out there, but many of them don't publish testing articles on a regular basis.
Also, I have noticed that some software developers don't read blogs written by software testers.
That is a shame because I think that we can learn a lot from them.
That is why I decided to create a newsletter that shares the best testing articles which I found during the last week.
Let's get started.
Technical Stuff
- JUnit 5 QuickStart Guide provides a comprehensive introduction to JUnit 5. It also has a few more advanced examples that help to see that powerful testing tools can make testing fun.
- Component Object pattern example is an interesting blog post that explains what the component object pattern is and describes how you can clean up your end-to-end tests by combining component objects with page objects.
- Rest Assured 3.0 announces the release of Rest Assured 3.0 and describes some of its new features.
- Selenium Big Announcement announces the official release of Selenium 3.
- Writing Parameterized Tests With JUnit 4 is a free sample lesson of my Test With Spring course. It explains why you shouldn't write parameterized tests which use the test runner provided by Junit 4 and describes how you can write clean parameterized tests by using the JUnitParams library.
The Really Valuable Stuff
- First Impression Test is a really interesting post that explains how a tester can participate to a code review by testing the reviewed code. This ensures that no code is pushed to master before it has been reviewed by a developer and a tester. In theory, this should reduce problems found after the code has been pushed to master. Do you think that this could work?
- Growing an automated test development culture in your organization is an important blog post that shares some ideas which help you to convince your managers or colleagues to try automated testing.
- The three ways to solve 'Our Test Automation Sucks' in Scrum identifies three ways that Scrum teams might use when they try to fix their broken automated tests. Of course, the author also reveals her opinion about this matter and selects the "best tool for the job".
It's Time for Feedback
Because I want to make this newsletter worth your time, I am asking you to help me make it better.
- If you have any feedback about this newsletter, share your thoughts on the comment section.
- If you have written a blog post about automated testing or software testing, ping me on Twitter.
- You can share this blog post on Twitter.
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