Java Testing Weekly 47 / 2016

There are many software development blogs out there, but many of them don't publish testing articles on a regular basis.

Also, I have noticed that some software developers don't read blogs written by software testers.

That is a shame because I think that we can learn a lot from them.

That is why I decided to create a newsletter that shares the best testing articles which I found during the last week.

Let's get started.

Technical Stuff

The Really Valuable Stuff

  • 5 common reasons for a penetration test identifies the five most common reasons that were used when a client hired the author of this blog post to do penetration testing for their application. Also, the author also explains why you should understand your reasons for doing penetration testing before you actually do it.
  • Thinking you're the best is a very important blog post that reveals the dangers of thinking that you are the best. I have noticed that quite many developers are suffering from this problem (at least on some level). Of course, most of them claim that this is not the case (remember the imposter syndrome), but if this is true, why so many developers won't change their views when they debate with other developers?

It's Time to Update Your Dependencies

2 comments… add one
  • T.J. Maher Dec 15, 2016 @ 23:51

    Thank you so much for the shout out, Petri! I appreciate it. Whenever I learn a new automation tool or technology, I take copious amounts of research notes. I pour all of the notes onto my blog, and I jump onto the next thing, not knowing if anyone is actually reading my blog. Seeing this review is a happy surprise!

    • Petri Dec 19, 2016 @ 20:57

      You are welcome!

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