Clean Test Automation Monthly 8 / 2023

The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This blog post is always published on the last day of the month.

Let's begin!

The best way to use Testcontainers from your Spring Boot tests describes what's the best way to use Testcontainers if we are writing tests for Spring Boot applications and explains the benefits of this approach.

Unit Tests Are Overrated: Rethinking Testing Strategies argues that unit tests aren't as useful as we think and states that we should concentrate on writing tests which help us to ensure that the system under test is working as expected when it's deployed to the production environment.

TDD with GitHub Copilot publishes the findings of a team that has been using Github Copilot with TDD since the start of this year.

Announcing Testcontainers Desktop Free Application announces the release of the Testcontainers desktop application. The goal of this application is to make our life easier if we want to use Testcontainers for local development.

Pitest: Do You Test Your Tests provides a quick introduction to mutation testing, describes why we should do mutation testing, and explains how we can write mutation tests with Pitest.

How to Write MockMvc Tests Without ObjectMapper, Part Three - Should We Do It describes the role of ObjectMapper, identifies the pros and cons of not using ObjectMapper, and argues that we might have to rid of ObjectMapper.

Introduction to AssertJ-DB describes why we should use AssertJ-DB, explains how we can get the required dependencies with Maven and Gradle, and helps us to configure AssertJ-DB.

Introduction to JUnit 5 Tags describes how JUnit 5 tags work, explains how we can add tags to our test methods, and helps us to write tests which are easy to write and maintain.

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