Yesterday I published a list of my most popular blog posts which were published in 2013.
I also promised to choose the "best" blog posts of 2013 and publish that list in my blog.
Selecting my favorite blog posts was much harder than I imagined. I also realized that my personal favorites aren't necessarily my "best" blog posts. That is why I replaced the word 'best' with a word 'favorite'.
Anyway, here is a list of my favorite blog posts of 2013 (all posts were published in 2013):
- Screencast: Integration Testing of Spring Data JPA Repositories. This blog post is important to me because it announces my first Youtube video. Making this video was a bit challenging because I was worried that my voice would sound weird. However, I decided to push my fear aside and just record the video. That was the right call.
- The Dark Side of Best Practices. I like this blog post because of its message: If best practices don't make sense, don't follow them!
- Turning Assertions Into a Domain-Specific Language. I chose this blog post because this year I realized that custom assertions improve the readability of my unit and integration tests.
- Why I Changed My Mind About Field Injection? Writing this blog post helped me understand why using field injection doesn't make sense. I have also noticed that using constructor injection helps me avoid to monolithic service classes which are often found from Spring powered applications. That is why I decided to add this blog post to this list.
- Creating Code Coverage Reports for Unit And Integration Tests with The JaCoCo Maven Plugin. I added this blog post to this list because there really aren't many tutorials which describes the usage of the JaCoCo Maven plugin.
I hope that you enjoy reading these blog posts because I really enjoyed writing them.
Happy new year!